Pok Oi Hospital – Jockey Club Hostel for Single Persons – Hostel Services
Pok Oi Hospital – Jockey Club Hostel for Single Persons is a charity providing transitional housing for single males. They prioritise support towards seniors, the homeless and those with living difficulties. The aim of the charity is to provide short to middle term accommodation, to help residents adjust well in the hostel, encourage them to develop self-confidence and prepare them for future housing planning. There are a maximum of 40 places, which are given on referral only and mainly to CSSA recipients. Five to nine residents share one flat with cooking facilities and a bathroom. They are encouraged to cook, share and help each other to adjust and move on. They have been a FHK Charity Partner since 2012.
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Address: Flat 106, 1/F, Sui Keung House, Siu Sai Wan Estate 7 Hiu Tsui Street Siu Sai Wan Hong Kong Island