Back in August, we joined the Asian Charity Services Engage Volunteer Recruitment workshop series where we were inspired by expert speakers on their approach to volunteering and then given a fantastic introduction to the world of video storytelling. We put what we had learnt into practice and created our own video storyboard… and were delighted to be selected as the leading pitch of the day! The prize: a professionally produced video about our daily work at Feeding HK – how we work with volunteers to rescue surplus food, sort and store it in our warehouse, then deliver it to multiple charities across the city. Today, we are happy to share with you that video!
We would love to say a very special thank you to all those involved. Firstly, Asian Charity Services for hosting this fantastic workshop series, the Jockey Club Engage Digital Exploration 賽馬會匯創數碼計劃 for sponsoring the prize and Asteria Asia for their hard work on the video. The extra special baking shots would not have been possible without the support of our fantastic partner La Rose Noire and their baker Ah Yung who generously welcomed our film crew into their kitchen, whilst our long term food donor Bread Elements went above and beyond to ensure we had surplus fresh bread to include on the day of our delivery shoot. We are also especially grateful to the three wonderful charity partners featured in the video – Hong Fook Church, J Life 啓愛共融社區中心 and Christian Church of Divine Providence. In the midst of a challenging few weeks in mid-October, they not only took time out of their busy days to accommodate our “special delivery request” but did so with beaming smiles. Last but not least, to the Feeding HK staff, interns and volunteers who stepped in front of the camera – you are all stars!
Whilst our Bread Run is currently on pause, the Feeding HK Foodbank remains open and every day we’re continuing to rescue and redistribute food to frontline charities across the city. This would not be possible without the amazing partners and volunteers who continue to support us through this challenging time. Thank you for your support and please keep checking in on our website for the latest volunteer news at: – and please share our video!!!
喺呢度,我哋想特別嗚謝幾個單位。首先係ACS,多謝你哋舉辦呢個咁有意義嘅工作坊,仲有賽馬會匯創數碼計劃嘅贊助。亦感激Asteria Asia咁用心為我哋拍攝 。片中有好多麵包烘焙嘅畫面,多謝La Rose Noire幫手借出烘焙師做拍攝同幫手安排細節,同時感激Bread Element同我哋長期合作之餘仲借出場地拍攝。當然唔少得康福堂、啟愛共融社區中心同以勒教會一齊參與拍攝,並送上咁可愛燦爛嘅笑容!最後一定要多謝樂餉社嘅一眾員工、實習生同義工幫手出鏡。
雖然而家麵包收集活動仲係暫時中,但我哋樂餉社食物銀行會持續開放,為前線機構送上食物。艱難時期,義工同夥伴嘅幫忙係不可或缺,希望你哋可以繼續支持樂餉社 – 上我哋網頁並留意住我哋嘅最新動態啦!